We strive to provide a great shopping experience for our customers, which is why our Cancellation Policy is clear and straightforward.

In general, purchases with the status “On Hold” or “Processing” can be canceled. However, purchases with the status “Shipped,” “Complete,” “Delivered,” or “Payment Pending” CANNOT BE CANCELED. This is because, once the item is in the possession of the carrier, we have no control over the procedures. Please refer to our Return Policy after your item arrives at your address if you still wish to cancel or request a refund.

To request the cancellation of your purchase with “On Hold” or “Processing” status that was made less than 7 days ago, please send an email to our Customer Service Department at service@nizosstore.com, including your order number and full name – with the email subject – CANCELLATION.

  1. Cancellation within 7 days – refund to your original payment method.
  2. Cancellation after 7 days – refund in the form of store credit at Nizos Store.



The cancellation of an item in the Nizos Safe Box can be done according to the following rules:


  1. If the item is canceled within 7 days after being added to the Nizos Safe Box, your original payment method will be refunded. If more than 7 days have passed, your refund will be issued as store credit.
  2. An item that was in the Nizos Safe Box and has already been shipped cannot be canceled. It is important to note that items canceled in the Safe Box cannot be reverted to your cart and are immediately relisted for sale.



Payment for all items must be received immediately. If payment is not received, the order will be automatically canceled. For more information on payments, please refer to our Payment Policy.

For further information, please send your questions to our Customer Service Department at service@nizosstore.com.